Cockroach Species 101 Know Your Home Invaders

Cockroach Species 101 – Know Your Home Invaders

Cockroaches, which are hardy and often unwanted guests in many homes, are in a large family of insects. As the word “cockroach” is often thought of, it actually refers to more than one species. When it comes to home pests, a few types tend to be the most common. For effective pest control, you need to know about the different kinds of cockroaches. How you get rid of an outbreak can depend on the species because each has its own traits and behaviours.

Types of Cockroaches Most Commonly Found in Homes

  1. The German Cockroach: There are a lot of German cockroaches in homes, and they can be a real trouble. These little light brown bugs are very good at hitchhiking and are often moved from place to place without being noticed. They like places that are warm and damp, like baths and kitchens. German cockroaches breed quickly, which makes it hard to get rid of infestations.
  2. “Periplaneta americana,” or American Cockroach: American cockroaches can get up to two inches long, making them one of the biggest types of cockroaches. These roaches are reddish brown and like to live in damp places like sewers, basements, and dark corners of houses. They can also fly very well, which can make controlling populations hard.
  3. Cockroach from Asia (Blatta orientalis): Asian cockroaches are shiny, dark brown or black roaches that like cool, damp places to live. Most of the time, you can find them in drains, basements, and crawl areas. They can adapt to different conditions, but they are not as fast as some other kinds.
  4. Cockroach with a brown band (Supella longipalpa): German cockroaches are bigger than brown-banded cockroaches, which can be told apart by the light bands that run across their bodies. They like places that are warm and dry, like beds and living rooms. They don’t depend on water as much as some other species do.
  5. The smokey brown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa): Cockroaches that are smokey brown are dark brown or mahogany in colour and are common in the southern US. They like places that are dark and damp, like attics and crawl spaces. They can fly very well and are drawn to lights outside at night.

Why identification is important

Why is it important to know what kind of cockroach is infesting your home? The answer lies in customizing how you get rid of pests:

  1. Targeted Treatment: Some control methods may work better on some species than others. For example, American cockroaches might need both pesticides and bait traps, while German cockroaches might only need bait traps.
  2. Habitat awareness: Knowing where different species like to live can help you focus your efforts to stop them. For example, if you have an issue with American cockroaches, you should check and seal all possible entry spots to your home more carefully.
  3. Monitoring and Prevention: Once you know the species, you can better keep an eye on outbreaks and take steps to stop them.

Common Ways to Stop Crime

It’s the same way to stop cockroach outbreaks no matter what kind of cockroach it is:

  1. Keep Your Home Clean: Keep your home clean, especially the places where you prepare food. Roaches are drawn to food scraps and crumbs.
  1. Seal Entry Points: Around doors, windows, and utility entry points, seal any cracks or holes. The first line of defence against bugs is to keep them from getting in.
  1. Lessen the dampness: Get rid of any extra dampness in your home. Quickly fix any leaks, use a dehumidifier, and make sure that basements and crawl areas have enough air flow.
  1. Regular Inspections: Search your house for signs of pests on a regular basis. Look for roach droppings, eggshells, and other signs that they are there.
  1. Talk to a Professional: If you think or know for sure that you have a cockroach problem, you might want to get help from a professional pest control service. They are trained to recognize the species and use the best methods for controlling it.

In closing, one important part of controlling cockroaches is getting to know the pests that are coming into your home. You can make a focused plan to stop and deal with infestations if you know what species they are and how they act and what they like. Regardless of the species, keeping your home clean and dry is the first thing that you can do to keep these pests away.

Professional Cockroach Exterminator in Bolton. Whether the cockroach problem is new, or it has been ongoing for some time our team can and will put an end to it. Call now and book a treatment: 647-578-7949.