DIY Cockroach Control Tips for Homeowners

DIY Cockroach Control – Tips for Homeowners

Cockroaches are one of the worst pests that can come into your home. These pests are very hardy and can live in a lot of different places. They also have the ability to reproduce very quickly. When cockroaches invade a home, many people try to get rid of them on their own before calling a professional pest control service. If you have cockroaches in your home, here are some important do-it-yourself cockroach control tips that will help you get back in charge.

  1. Figure out what’s wrong: Before you try to get rid of cockroaches on your own, you should make sure they are there and how bad the problem is. You can find familiar signs like cockroach droppings, egg cases, and exoskeletons that have been shed. Figuring out how big the problem is will help you decide what to do then.
  1. Keep things clean: Cockroaches are drawn to places where there is food and water, so it is important to keep your home clean. Clean the tables, sweep and mop the floors often, and clean up food spills right away. Make sure to store food in cases that won’t let air in and throw away trash right away.
  1. Get Rid of Places to Hide: Bugs like cockroaches like dark, crowded places. Get rid of unnecessary things in your home, especially in places where roaches could hide, like closets, basements, and attics. By taking away roaches’ places to hide, you make it harder for them to settle down.
  1. Don’t let anyone in: Rats and mice can get into your home through small holes and cracks near doors, windows, and service entrances. Use glue or weather stripping to close off these holes so they can’t get in. Pay extra attention to the places where pipes and power lines are.
  1. Set traps and bait: Baits and traps for cockroaches can be useful tools for you to use around the house. Roaches can be caught in glue traps or bait stations, which attract and kill the bugs. Make sure you put these traps in places where you’ve seen cockroaches.
  1. Treatments from nature: Cockroaches can be kept away or killed with a number of natural treatments. You can sprinkle non-toxic diatomaceous earth in places where roaches are busy. Roaches that get it on their bodies will dry out and die. Boric acid can also be used to kill roaches. It can be used as a powder or mixed with food.
  1. Oils of essential: Peppermint, eucalyptus, and lavender are some essential oils that are known to keep bugs away because of their strong smells. By mixing a few drops of essential oil with water and putting it in places where roaches like to live, you can make your own roach repellent.
  1. Being steady is important: Do-it-yourself bug control often needs consistency. It might take a while to see real progress. Keep your home clean and organized, check and change traps often, and use natural remedies again as needed.
  1. Keep an eye on and record: Keep a pest control diary to keep track of what you’re doing. Write down when and where you saw roaches, what you did to get rid of them, and the outcome. This paperwork can help you improve your method and figure out when you need to get help from a professional.
  1. Have an idea of when to call a pro: Do-it-yourself cockroach control can work for small infestations, but bigger or more stubborn ones might need professional help. Professionals who get rid of pests have access to stronger and more focused treatments, which means they can handle bigger problems better.

Do-it-yourself cockroach control can be a sensible and cost-effective way for homeowners to get rid of these pesky bugs. If you keep at it and follow these tips, you can get rid of cockroaches from your home substantially. If your efforts don’t work, though, don’t be afraid to call a professional pest control service to get rid of the problem for good.

Professional Cockroach Exterminator in Bolton. Whether the cockroach problem is new, or it has been ongoing for some time our team can and will put an end to it. Call now and book a treatment: 647-578-7949.